Pet Insurance. Just For Cats.


kitten sitting on couch

New kitten checklist: Kitten-proof your home

Bringing home a new kitten is exciting—but it can also be stressful. Kittens are naturally curious creatures and they’re well known for getting into places and things they shouldn’t. While visions of scratched-up furniture and broken objects might be at...
ginger cat scratching an itch sitting on lawn

How to protect your cat from fleas

Fleas—they’re a common but unwelcome parasite that can negatively impact your cat’s health. To better control fleas, it’s helpful to understand a little about their life cycle, the symptoms of flea infestation in cats, and the best way to choose...
children picking out a cat to adopt

Using Petfinder to adopt a cat

Adopting a pet is a big step but a rewarding one in so many ways. If you’re ready to take the plunge and add a feline companion to your family, Petfinder is a great place to start.   If you’re not...
cat sniffing medicine capsules that fell onto floor

Protect your cat from common poisons

Each year in the United States, 232,000 household pets are accidentally poisoned. While not all toxic exposures are fatal, this figure highlights a persistent threat to pet health nationwide.   National Pet Poisoning Awareness Month occurs annually in March, making spring...
mama cat in cat bed with kittens

Caring for newborn kittens and their mother

If you are welcoming a litter of newborn kittens into your home, you might feel elated—but also a little overwhelmed. After all, taking care of a mother cat and her kittens comes with a great deal of responsibility. Ultimately, however,...
two kittens staring at litter in pan

How to litter train a kitten

Congratulations, you’ve adopted a kitten! Litter box training is an essential part of raising your kitten and it can be relatively easy if you follow some simple steps. In this article, we will discuss how to litter train a kitten,...

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