Pet Insurance. Just For Cats.
Cecily Kellogg

Author: Cecily Kellogg

Cecily Kellogg, Felix guest blogger, spent eight years working as a veterinary technician before applying her knowledge and experience as a writer.

two kittens staring at litter in pan

How to litter train a kitten

Congratulations, you’ve adopted a kitten! Litter box training is an essential part of raising your kitten and it can be relatively easy if you follow some simple steps. In this article, we will discuss how to litter train a kitten,...
Veterinary technician assisting vet with kitten

7 things I learned as a vet tech

Vet Tech Fundamentals Few people learn a skill entirely alone. More often it takes the skills of a patient mentor to bring out one’s excellence. This was certainly true for me. As a young veterinary technician just starting out, I...
cat eating grass from indoor box with pet parent in background

Why do cats eat grass?

Grass Is Good For Cats If you’re like many cat owners, you may have noticed your feline munching on grass blades in the yard. No, your pet is not going vegan—per se. But is it a cause for concern?  In...
kitten lapping up milk from dish

Can cats drink milk?

These days our cats are almost like another set of kids, but unlike children, the foods that are good for us aren’t always best for felines. To help you make more informed choices about the foods they eat, we thought...
vet tech holding cat in front of xray display

Wellness veterinary costs for cats

If anything is certain, it’s that having a pet isn’t cheap. As your kitten matures, they will need to visit the vet to get all of their required shots, get spayed or neutered, go to a routine check-up, and once...
Overweight gray cat walking outside

The high cost of cat diabetes

Feline diabetes affects about 1 in 200 cats (0.5-1.0% of the total cat population), and represents a growing concern among pet owners. According to a study conducted by Banfield Pet Hospital, the incidence of feline diabetes increased by an alarming...

Thinking about pet insurance? See how affordable it can be.